How To Train Your Brain To Speak Better English

How To Learn More English. How Speak Better English. How to do it Without Classes or Lessons.

This blog is for people who already know some English -maybe even a lot, but would be happy to know more -if there were an easy way to do it. There is! I help those who don't want more classes or workbooks. It's for those of you who may have jobs, families and responsibilities, or just don't want to study anymore. If this is you, then keep reading!

What if I tell you that there is a simple brain training activity you can do to unlock your English potential and it doesn't have to cost you anything. You can easily learn how to increase your ability to speak and write English without books or classes. I will show you how to do it FOR FREE!

This blog is NOT just another of the usual lessons and suggestions to help improve your English. I help ESL users, not learners. Please read on to understand what I mean.

I'm Aaron Hurst. I’ve been an international educator for more than 30 years. I have learned a lot from my experiences in schools and online, teaching academic subjects and ESL, as well as business English for professionals. I have 2 degrees; one in Education, the other in English. I love to make my students happy, and I deeply believe in the value of lifelong learning. It’s why I decided to become a teacher in the first place.   

Where Did All My English Go? 

I want to tell you something interesting, and it's about you: You know more English than you use. Really! The problem is, a lot of that English is hidden in your brain. You actually know more English than you are using, because your brain can't find it.

How do I know this? Over many years I've observed something interesting that always happens in the same way. When given simple instructions, people who are ESL users can self-correct 30% to 80% of what they had written just the day before!

  How is this possible?

  Why can't we just do it right the first time?

  What does writing and self correction have to do with speaking?

  All good questions! Keep reading to find out.

I have developed several activities that help ESL learners and speakers speed up their progress. Over the years I have improved these systems to become more and more effective, yet still be simple for anyone to use. Like training your muscles at the gym, the more often you practice these easy brain training exercises, the better they work for you.

I created a complete brain training module based on self-correction, designed to help those of you who simply want to speak better English. I'll tell you everything about this module in my next post. But first, lets learn more about how your brain uses language.

Your Brain And English: Are They Friends Yet? The following is true for all native language speakers:

Speaking and writing come from the same source in your brain. When you speak in your own language, choosing words and making sentences happens quickly and without thinking, because your brain has all the knowledge and experience it needs. 

Problem 1: Not Gone, Just Forgotten (true for most non-native speakers)

But the same process I just described does not work well for those who are using a second language. They often don't know enough English words to express their ideas clearly. even though they had lessons and courses of study. It means that the vocab and grammar you may once have studied but didn't use in normal life, was simply forgotten. Not gone, just forgotten. 

Meanwhile, the wrong words and incorrect sentence constructions are easy for your brain to find and ready to use. Everything else that didn’t get the chance to be used ended up in that forgotten space, like an unused room in a big building. What is in that forgotten space ia not noticed by your brain when looking for what to say or write. The result is that you express yourself with lower quality English.

Problem 2: Pressure To Perform

For many people, there is usually no time for that process in your brain to do it's job, partly because you want to speak without delay. At the same time, your brain is having trouble finding the information it needs. This creates more stress and more difficulty, especially if you are with someone who knows more English than you. You don’t want to keep the other person waiting while you struggle to think. Many people will even say “I don’t want to sound stupid.”

This pressure to perform can make you just want to quickly get it over with, each time you speak. This is where OLD HABITS rush in to try and save you, because incorrect English is better than no English at all, right? You can’t blame your brain for trying to help. 

Problem 3: Self-Corrections Methods Are Not Being Taught

Your brain cannot begin to self-correct if it doesn't know what is wrong. From a young age, learning your first language happens naturally at home and school, helping your brain correct itself as needed. But when learning a second language, your brain needs to be taught how to do this. This process is something your brain can learn to do, but the process is not being taught or used as the powerful tool it actually is. 

So, with all these challenges it's easy to see why 75% of the many millions of non-native English speakers in the world simply stop trying to learn more. They want to get on with their busy lives. They will simply use whatever English they remember, and that's it.       



Enough problems! What's the solution?

Now you understand what the real problems for esl speakers are. The solution? You can  easily learn how to do brain training activities that boost your ability to speak better English -even if you have a job, career, family, responsibilities etc. These exercises require no expense, no books and no classes. Everyone can do them.

A powerful and effective brain training exercise I will give you will soon help you to:

  • Find, keep and use the forgotten English you once learned but never used. 

  • Build a working self-correction function in your brain for English, just like the one used for your native language.

  • Make it easier for you to use more English correctly and confidently.

I'm happy to offer it FREE to everyone* You will be able to use this module until your brain has developed the process for English self-correction and does it automatically. You will no longer think about it. 

 "Mastering self-correction is a huge step forward, because it serves to accelerate learning a language. The more you learn, the easier it becomes to learn more." 

In my next post: 

I will show you everything you need to know about a simple, powerful, activity called 'Your Write To Speak' (Yes, 'write' is spelled correctly), which will begin right away to create a powerful mental process that will boost your ability to speak English more and more fluently.

Don't forget to subscribe and comment below. See you soon!


*If you prefer a  live coaching option, as a 'Write To Speak' course member you will have exactly the same self-directed exercise module as the free one. The difference is in the personal coaching, which includes a 12 week, guided practice review each week, with additional instruction and bonus techniques. More details in my next post.

How To Train Your Brain To Speak Better English © 2024 by R. Hurst is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0


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